Teams & Athletes
For decades, Mavic has been committed to the success of top-level teams and athletes. Whether in the demanding realm of road cycling, the adrenaline of cross-country mountain biking, the dizzying descents of downhill mountain biking or the grueling competitions of triathlon, Mavic plays a crucial role in providing high-quality equipment and actively supporting professionals in the world of cycling.
Inspiring athletes who invite us to follow their adventures
For decades, Mavic has been committed to the success of top-level teams and athletes. Whether in the demanding realm of road cycling, the adrenaline of cross-country mountain biking, the dizzying descents of downhill mountain biking or the grueling competitions of triathlon, Mavic plays a crucial role in providing high-quality equipment and actively supporting professionals in the world of cycling.

TriathlonCassandre BEAUGRAND TriathlonDorian CONINX TriathlonLéonie PÉRIAULT TriathlonJulie IEMMOLO

Cross countryLapierre Mavic Unity Cross countryDecathlon Ford Racing Team Cross countryPrimaflor Mondraker Genuins Racing Team Cross countryThomas GRIOT Cross countryPierre BILLAUD Cross countrySavilia BLUNK Cross countryRebecca HENDERSON Cross countryEmeline DETILLEUX Cross countryMathis Azzaro

DownhillCarola FAVOINO DownhillTeam X1 Racing DownhillTahnée Seagrave

EnduroMorgane JONNIER EnduroCharlotte REY